If I had to describe myself, I would say I am as firm as the spine of a well-made book in upholding my morals and values but as light and easy-going as its pages.
The childhood hobby that most shaped my personality was reading. I have always been an avid reader, so I was often called a “bookworm” by both adults and my peers. It would be a strange phenomenon if Briana Farr did not have a book somewhere near her.
If I had to describe myself, I would say I am as firm as the spine of a well-made book in upholding my morals and values but as light and easy-going as its pages. I’m told I’m easy to talk to, always eager to learn new things, and can be depended on never to betray my beliefs. Having these qualities also means sometimes I’m too laid-back or stubborn when I have made up my mind, but evidence and witnesses declare I give off mostly positive energy.
My interest in literature was encouraged by those around me, especially my parents, so much so that most of my gifts were novels. This allowed me to have my library, but even this appreciated stream of additions to my collection was not enough to keep up with how I devoured books. Some children’s sneaky habit is raiding the cookie jar, while mine was climbing the bookshelves to get the books there.
My love of literature has not diminished in all my years, so it is no surprise that this is the path I am taking. My parents, relatives, teachers at Bethesda Basic School, Boundbrook Primary, Titchfield High, and the ones I’ve met thus far at The Mico University College have played a significant role in carving out this path of mine. These people (and myself) I hope to continue to make proud by achieving my dreams, and since awards look good on resumes, I’ll aim for those too.
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My faith in God, support from my loved ones, and determination to be the change give me the strength to continue down this path. If one feels uncomfortable in an environment one cannot leave, one should strive to change it. Despite challenges like unreliable finances and stress, I have managed to persevere in my environment. Still, others have not been as fortunate as I to receive the necessary nutrients to thrive in such a harsh environment. I cannot help what others receive from their homes, but I can help nourish them in their place of study, give everyone I can a fighting chance, and the strength to carve out their future paths. This way, I can help to better Jamaica or whichever land my path brings me to. With God as my guide, I can be the change. Despite challenges like unreliable finances and stress, I have managed to persevere in my environment.